10 of the Best Italian Dog Breeds

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Written By Betty T.

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1. The best Italian dog breeds include the Neapolitan Mastiff, Maltese, Bracco Italiano, Italian Greyhound, Bolognese Dog, Maremma Sheepdog, Volpino Italiano, Abroco Italiano, Bergamot Shepherd Dog, and Legato Romaniolo.

Italian dog breeds are known for their unique characteristics, historical significance, and loyal nature. From strong and protective mastiffs to elegant and agile Italian greyhounds, these breeds have captured the hearts of dog lovers around the world. Whether it’s the Neapolitan Mastiff with its imposing size and gentle demeanor or the small and speedy Italian Greyhound, each breed has its own charm and appeal.

We will explore ten of the best Italian dog breeds, highlighting their distinctive features, temperaments, and suitability as pets. So, if you’re considering a furry addition to your family, keep reading to discover these remarkable Italian companions.

10 of the Best Italian Dog Breeds

Credit: www.thesprucepets.com

Top Italian Dog Breeds

Italy is not only famous for its delicious cuisine and stunning architecture but also for its exceptional dog breeds. Here are 10 of the best Italian dog breeds that you should know about:

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a powerful and muscular dog breed known for its impressive size and protective nature. They were originally bred as guard dogs, and their intimidating appearance certainly serves that purpose well. Despite their fierce exterior, Neapolitan Mastiffs are known to be gentle and loyal with their families.


The Maltese is a small and elegant toy breed that has been beloved in Italy for centuries. With their long, silky white coats and sprightly personality, Maltese dogs are the epitome of charm. They make wonderful companion pets and are perfect for those who live in small spaces.

Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is a versatile hunting dog that possesses a unique appearance and a strong sense of smell. They have a noble and expressive face that is hard to resist. These dogs are especially skilled at tracking and retrieving game, making them a favorite among hunters in Italy.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a small and slender dog breed that is renowned for its grace and agility. These dogs are descendants of ancient sighthounds and have a long history in Italy. Italian Greyhounds are gentle, affectionate, and make excellent companions for those who enjoy an active lifestyle.

Bolognese Dog

The Bolognese Dog, also known as the Bichon Bolognese, is a small and fluffy breed that originates from Italy. They have a distinct white coat that is dense and curly, which requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. Bolognese Dogs are known for their happy and friendly personalities, making them wonderful family pets.

Maremma Sheepdog

The Maremma Sheepdog, also called the Maremmano-Abruzzese, is a large and majestic dog breed that was developed to guard livestock in the Italian mountains. They have a thick and fluffy white coat that helps them blend in with their surroundings. Maremma Sheepdogs are devoted, protective, and highly intelligent.

10 of the Best Italian Dog Breeds

Credit: panoramitalia.com

Other Italian Dog Breeds

Italy is not only known for its delicious cuisine and rich history, but also for its diverse and fascinating dog breeds. While some may be more well-known, such as the Neapolitan Mastiff and Italian Greyhound, there are several other Italian dog breeds that deserve recognition. Let’s take a closer look at 10 of the best Italian dog breeds that you may not have heard of before.

Volpino Italiano

The Volpino Italiano is a small, fluffy dog breed known for its fox-like appearance. With a lively personality and a thick double coat, this breed is both adorable and full of energy. They are highly adaptable and make great companions for families of all sizes.

Abroco Italiano

The Abroco Italiano, also known as the Italian Aborigine Dog, is a rare breed that hails from the central Apennine region of Italy. With its distinctive shaggy coat and intelligent nature, this breed is often used for guarding and herding purposes.

Bergamot Shepherd Dog

The Bergamot Shepherd Dog, or Cane da Bergamasco, is a herding breed that originated in the Italian Alps. Their unique coat consists of thick, matted dreadlocks that provide excellent protection from the elements. They are intelligent and hardworking, making them great working dogs.

Legato Romaniolo

The Legato Romaniolo is a medium-sized breed that was historically used for hunting and guarding. With their strong and muscular build, they are both agile and powerful. This breed is known for its loyalty and protective instincts, making them excellent family pets.

Russo Shepherd Dog

The Russo Shepherd Dog, also known as the Italian Russian Sheepdog, is a large and imposing breed. Bred for herding and guarding livestock, they are known for their strong work ethic and protective nature. Despite their size, they are gentle and affectionate with their families.


The Corso, or Cane Corso, is a majestic and powerful breed native to Italy. With their muscular build and confident demeanor, they make excellent guard dogs. However, they are also loyal and affectionate with their families, making them great companions and protectors.

Sicilian Sheepdog

The Sicilian Sheepdog, or Ciuffolotto Siciliano, is a medium-sized herding breed with a thick, dense coat. They have a strong work ethic and are highly trainable. In addition to herding, they also make wonderful family pets due to their gentle and affectionate nature.

Bergamasco Shepherd

The Bergamasco Shepherd, or Cane da Pastore Bergamasco, is a medium-sized breed known for its unique coat. Their long, woolly hair forms felted mats that help protect them from harsh weather conditions. They are intelligent, loyal, and make excellent companions and working dogs.


The Volpino is a small, spitz-type breed that originated in Italy. With their fluffy double coat and foxy appearance, they are incredibly charming. They are fast learners and highly trainable, which makes them great for various dog sports and activities.

Lupo Italiano

The Lupo Italiano, or Italian Wolf Dog, is a rare breed that closely resembles its wild ancestor, the wolf. Bred for working purposes, they are highly intelligent and have strong instincts. With proper training and socialization, they can make loyal and loving family companions.

Segugio Maremmano

The Segugio Maremmano is a medium-sized breed that originates from the Maremma region of Italy. They were originally bred for hunting purposes, specifically for tracking and trailing game. They are known for their excellent sense of smell and endurance.

Spinone Italiano

The Spinone Italiano is a versatile and gentle breed that excels in hunting, tracking, and pointing. With their wiry coat and expressive eyes, they have a unique appearance. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, making them great family pets.

Popular Italian Dog Breeds

Discover the top 10 Italian dog breeds, including the Neapolitan Mastiff, Maltese, Bracco Italiano, and Italian Greyhound. These popular breeds are known for their unique characteristics and make excellent companions.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso, also known as the Italian Mastiff, is a majestic and powerful dog breed. Originally developed in Italy for guard work and hunting large game, the Cane Corso is known for its muscular build and confident demeanor. With a strong protective instinct, this breed is an excellent guardian for families and properties. Their imposing presence and intelligence make them highly trainable and reliable companions. Despite their size, Cane Corsos are gentle and affectionate with their families, making them a popular choice for experienced dog owners.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is another impressive Italian dog breed. With their massive size and wrinkled skin, they are hard to miss. Originally bred as guard dogs and war dogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs are known for their loyalty and protective nature. While they may appear intimidating, they are incredibly gentle and loving towards their family members. This breed requires early socialization and consistent training to ensure they grow up to be well-behaved and obedient companions. Their calm and laid-back personality makes them suitable for families with children and other pets.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is a small and elegant breed that has captured the hearts of many. Known for their slender physique and graceful movements, Italian Greyhounds are often considered miniature versions of their larger Greyhound relatives. Despite their delicate appearance, they have a lively and playful personality. These dogs thrive on human companionship and enjoy being the center of attention. Italian Greyhounds are loyal and affectionate towards their families, making them adored pets. Their small size also makes them suitable for apartment living.

Cirneco Dell’etna

The Cirneco dell’Etna is a rare and ancient breed originating from Sicily. Named after Mount Etna, which is an active volcano in Italy, these dogs were historically used for hunting small game. They are known for their endurance and agility, which makes them excellent hunting partners. Cirneco dell’Etnas are intelligent and independent, but also affectionate towards their families. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Due to their rarity, owning a Cirneco dell’Etna is considered a privilege among dog enthusiasts.

Maremma Sheepdog

The Maremma Sheepdog is a large and majestic breed primarily used for guarding livestock. Originating from the Maremma region in Italy, these dogs are known for their devotion to their flock and their protective nature. Maremmas are highly intelligent and independent, requiring a firm and consistent training approach. They have a calm and gentle temperament with their family members but can be reserved and wary of strangers. With their thick coat and robust build, they are well-suited for outdoor living in rural areas.

Bergamasco Shepherd

The Bergamasco Shepherd is a unique and ancient breed that stands out for its distinctive coat. This breed is known for its long, corded hair that resembles dreadlocks, providing insulation and protection against harsh weather conditions. Originally used as herding dogs in the Italian Alps, Bergamascos are highly intelligent and trainable. They are also known for their calm and patient demeanor, making them excellent family pets. However, their coat requires regular maintenance and care to prevent matting.

Segugio Italiano

The Segugio Italiano, also known as the Italian Hound, is a skilled scent hound used for tracking small game. This breed has a strong sense of smell and incredible stamina, which makes them well-suited for hunting in the Italian countryside. Segugio Italianos are known for their friendly and sociable nature, making them suitable for families and other pets. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom, as they have an active and curious disposition. In conclusion, Italy is home to a variety of fascinating dog breeds. From the powerful and imposing Cane Corso to the sleek and elegant Italian Greyhound, these popular Italian dog breeds offer a wide range of options for dog enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking for a loyal guard dog, a playful companion, or a skilled hunting partner, these breeds have something to offer. Consider these popular Italian dog breeds if you’re in search of a unique, loving, and reliable addition to your family.

Notable Italian Dog Breeds

Italy is known for its rich culture, history, and stunning landscapes. However, it is also home to some of the most remarkable dog breeds in the world. From elegant greyhounds to powerful mastiffs, Italian dog breeds showcase a diverse range of traits and characteristics. Here are 10 notable Italian dog breeds that are worth knowing about:

Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is a versatile and intelligent breed that excels in various activities such as hunting and tracking. With its distinctive appearance and gentle temperament, this medium-sized dog makes for an excellent companion for active individuals or families who enjoy spending time outdoors.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a majestic and powerful breed known for its imposing presence and loyalty. Originally used as a guard dog and hunter, the Cane Corso has evolved into a devoted family pet that is both protective and loving. Its muscular build and fearless nature make it an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and formidable protector.


The Bolognese is a small and charming breed that has been cherished in Italy for centuries. With its cotton-ball-like coat and friendly disposition, this dog makes for a delightful companion. Despite their small size, Bolognese dogs are known to be intelligent and easy to train, making them suitable for various living environments.

Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound, also known as IG or Iggy, is a slender and elegant breed that captivates hearts with its grace and beauty. This small and speedy dog was originally bred for hunting, but its gentle nature and affectionate personality have also made it a beloved companion. Italian Greyhounds thrive on companionship and love to be by their owner’s side.

Cirneco Dell’etna

The Cirneco dell’Etna is a unique and ancient breed that hails from Sicily. Medium-sized and agile, these dogs were traditionally used for hunting small game in the rugged terrains of Mount Etna. Today, Cirneco dell’Etnas are known for their exceptional endurance and intelligence, making them an excellent choice for active individuals or families who enjoy outdoor adventures.

Maremma Sheepdog

The Maremma Sheepdog is a magnificent and protective breed that has been guarding livestock in the Italian countryside for centuries. With its thick white coat and strong build, this large dog is an imposing presence. Maremma Sheepdogs are renowned for their loyalty and dedication to their flock, making them an invaluable asset to farmers and herders.

Bergamasco Shepherd

The Bergamasco Shepherd is a distinctive dog breed known for its unique coat of thick, matted hair. This medium-sized herding dog is highly intelligent and has a strong work ethic. Bergamascos are known for their gentle and compassionate nature, making them excellent family companions for those who are willing to invest time and effort into their grooming needs.

Segugio Italiano

The Segugio Italiano is a skilled and determined breed that excels in scent-tracking. This medium-sized hound has a strong nose and remarkable stamina, allowing it to track game over long distances. Segugio Italianos are known for their loyalty and friendly disposition, making them a popular choice for hunting enthusiasts as well as families.

Volpino Italiano

The Volpino Italiano is a spitz-type breed known for its fox-like appearance and cheerful personality. These small dogs are highly adaptable and make great companions for individuals or families living in various environments. Volpino Italianos are intelligent and eager to please, making them easy to train and eager participants in various activities.

Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a unique dog breed that has an exceptional talent for truffle hunting. With their curly and water-repellent coats, Lagotto Romagnolos are well-suited to working in wet and muddy terrains. These medium-sized dogs have an affectionate and playful nature, making them wonderful family pets for those who appreciate their keen sense of smell and working abilities.

10 of the Best Italian Dog Breeds

Credit: www.italymagazine.com

Frequently Asked Questions For 10 Of The Best Italian Dog Breeds

What Is The Top 10 Rarest Dog?

The top 10 rarest dog breeds include Lagotto Romagnolo, Mudi, Otterhound, Thai Ridgeback, Azawakh, Norwegian Lundehund, Xoloitzcuintli, Nederlandse Kooikerhondje, Spinone Italiano, and Segugio Maremmano. These breeds are unique and less commonly found in the world.

What Dog Is Popular In Italy?

The Italian Greyhound is popular in Italy. This small and slender dog was originally bred for hunting but became a beloved companion pet due to its size and speed. It is affectionately called The Italian, IG, or Iggy.

What Is The Cutest Dog In Italy?

The Italian Greyhound is considered the cutest dog in Italy. It is small, slender, and affectionate, making it a popular companion pet.

What Is The Top 10 Most Popular Dog?

The top 10 most popular dog breeds in Italy are Italian Greyhound, Cane Corso, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bracco Italiano, Bolognese, Cirneco dell’Etna, Maremma Sheepdog, Bergamasco Shepherd, Volpino Italiano, and Lupo Italiano. These breeds are cherished for their unique characteristics and companionship.


Italian dog breeds are undoubtedly some of the best. From the elegant Italian Greyhound to the powerful Cane Corso, these pups embody the spirit of Italy. Whether you’re looking for a loyal companion or a versatile working dog, Italian breeds have it all.

With their unique characteristics and rich history, these dogs are a true testament to the beauty and diversity of the canine world. Consider adding one of these Italian breeds to your family and experience the love and joy they bring.

Man’s best friend truly is.

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