Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Human Mouths?

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Written By Betty T.

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A dog’s mouth is not cleaner than a human’s mouth due to the presence of microbes in both species. Although there may be some similarities in the types of bacteria, there are also distinct differences.

Dogs and humans share a variety of bacteria in their mouths, debunking the belief that a dog’s mouth is cleaner. This misconception often stems from the fact that dogs lick their wounds, promoting the idea that their saliva has healing properties.

However, this is not the case, as dog saliva can still carry bacteria and can potentially cause infections. Therefore, it is important to understand that both dog and human mouths contain microbes and should be treated with proper dental care.

Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Human Mouths?


Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Human Mouths?


Frequently Asked Questions On Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Human Mouths?

Are Dog Mouths Cleaner Than Human Mouths?

No, a dog’s mouth is not cleaner than a human’s mouth. Both dog and human mouths are full of microbes, although there may be some overlap in the types of bacteria between species. Having contact with a dog’s mouth can still lead to the transmission of bacteria.


In comparing the cleanliness of dog mouths to human mouths, it is essential to recognize that both are teeming with bacteria and microbes. While there may be some similarities in the types of bacteria present, it is important to remember that each species harbors its own unique set of microorganisms.

Therefore, it is incorrect to assert that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s. Both require regular dental care and hygiene practices to maintain their oral health. So, next time someone proclaims the superiority of a dog’s mouth, remember that cleanliness is relative and that proper dental care is crucial for all creatures, canine or human.

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