10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

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Written By Betty T.

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The 10 best dog breeds that get along with cats include the Poodle, Bichon Frise, Bulldog, Papillon, Newfoundland, Boston Terrier, Pomeranian, Shetland Sheepdog, and Shih Tzu. Introducing a new dog to a household with a cat can be a tricky task.

Compatibility between the two species is crucial to ensure a harmonious atmosphere. While it ultimately depends on the individual animals and their personalities, some dog breeds are known to be more cat-friendly than others. These breeds have a better chance of forming a peaceful relationship with feline companions, making them ideal choices for households with both dogs and cats.

So, if you’re looking for a dog breed that gets along well with cats, consider these 10 breeds as potentially suitable options.

10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Credit: www.nylabone.com

Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Introducing a new dog to a household with cats can be a nerve-wracking experience for pet owners. Will they get along? Will there be constant bickering and hissing? Fortunately, some dog breeds are known to have a natural affinity for feline friends. Here are 10 best dog breeds that have a reputation for getting along exceptionally well with cats.


The Beagle is a friendly and sociable breed that typically gets along well with cats. Their easygoing nature and love for social interaction make them an ideal companion for both humans and other animals.

Golden Retriever

Known for their gentle temperament and patient nature, Golden Retrievers are often seen as the perfect family pets. They have an innate ability to bond with cats and are known to be highly tolerant of their feline counterparts.

Labrador Retriever

Another breed with a friendly and easygoing personality, Labradors are often described as “people pleasers”. They are generally affectionate towards cats and are known to coexist harmoniously with them.

Cavalier King-charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King-Charles Spaniel is a breed that is known for its friendliness towards all creatures, including cats. They are gentle and adaptable, making them a great choice for households with feline companions.


Made famous by Lassie, the Collie is an intelligent and gentle breed that is known for their strong herding instinct. While they may try to herd cats at times, with proper training and socialization, Collies can live peacefully alongside their feline friends.


Despite their tough exterior, Bulldogs are actually quite gentle and affectionate. They are generally accepting of cats and can form strong bonds with them over time.


The Papillon is a tiny breed with a big personality. Known for their playful and friendly nature, Papillons often get along well with cats and can create a fun and lively environment in the household.


The Maltese is a small and gentle breed that is typically friendly towards cats. They are known to be loving and affectionate, making them an ideal companion for both humans and feline friends.


Despite their small size, Pomeranians have a big heart and make excellent companions. Their friendly and outgoing nature often translates into positive interactions with cats.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers are known for their friendly and sociable nature. They are often described as being good with other animals, including cats, due to their adaptable and easygoing personality.

When considering bringing a new pet into your home, it’s important to remember that every individual animal is unique, and the compatibility between a dog and a cat can vary. However, these dog breeds have a proven track record of coexisting peacefully with feline companions. As always, proper training, socialization, and introductions are crucial for fostering a harmonious environment between dogs and cats.

10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Credit: www.nylabone.com

Factors To Consider

Consider these factors when selecting a dog breed that gets along with cats. Beagle, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Collie, Bulldog, Papillon are among the top choices.


Socialization plays a crucial role in determining how well a dog will get along with cats. It is important to expose dogs to various social situations and introduce them to cats from a young age. By gradually familiarizing them with cats and teaching them appropriate behavior, such as not chasing or intimidating them, dogs can learn to coexist peacefully with their feline counterparts. Socialization helps dogs develop the necessary skills to understand and respect the boundaries of cats, fostering a harmonious relationship.


Training is another important factor to consider when choosing a dog breed that gets along with cats. Dogs must be trained to follow commands such as “leave it” and “stay” to ensure they respect the cat’s space and belongings. By teaching dogs to redirect their focus, they can learn to control their impulses and avoid any potential conflicts. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewards and praise, can be used to reinforce good behavior and help dogs understand what is expected of them in the presence of a cat.


The introduction process between a dog and a cat should be gradual and carefully supervised. Start by allowing them to sniff each other’s scents through a closed door before gradually introducing visual contact. Use baby gates or crates to create physical barriers initially, allowing both animals to observe each other without direct interaction. Slowly increase their interaction time while monitoring their behavior closely. If any signs of aggression or discomfort are observed, separate them immediately and seek professional help if necessary. Patience and consistency during the introduction process are key to building trust and a positive association between the dog and cat.

Escape Routes

Providing escape routes for cats is essential in ensuring their safety and well-being. Cats should have access to elevated areas, such as shelves or cat trees, where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed or threatened by the dog. This allows them to have a sense of security and control over their environment. Additionally, it is important to create separate spaces for both the dog and cat where they can have alone time and relaxation. This way, they can have their own private spaces to retreat to when needed.

Other Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Discover the 10 best dog breeds that have a natural affinity for cats. From the friendly Beagle to the lovable Golden Retriever, these dogs are perfect companions for feline friends.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is known for its laid-back and friendly nature, making it one of the best dog breeds that get along with cats. With their low energy levels and calm demeanor, Basset Hounds are generally not aggressive towards cats and can make great companions for them.

Irish Setter

Irish Setters are not only known for their striking appearance but also for their friendly and sociable nature. These dogs are often described as good-natured and easygoing, which makes them compatible with cats. Irish Setters are known to be patient and tolerant, making them excellent companions for feline friends.


Shelties, or Shetland Sheepdogs, are intelligent and gentle dogs that are often referred to as “miniature collies.” Known for their loyalty and adaptability, Shelties can form strong bonds with cats. They are generally friendly towards other animals and can coexist peacefully with feline companions.


The Basenji is a unique dog breed with a playful and affectionate nature. Despite their high energy levels, Basenjis can get along well with cats. They are known for their curiosity and will often engage in friendly play with their feline companions.

Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound’s regal appearance might be misleading, as these dogs are generally gentle and friendly. Although they have a strong prey drive, Afghan Hounds can be trained to coexist peacefully with cats. Proper socialization and training are key to ensuring a harmonious relationship between these two pets.

Chow Chow

While Chow Chows may have a reputation for being aloof, they can still get along with cats if properly introduced and socialized. These dogs are known for their independent and protective nature, but with the right approach, they can develop a bond with feline friends.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are known for their strong-willed and independent personalities, but they can also get along with cats. With proper training and socialization, Shiba Inus can learn to coexist peacefully with feline companions. It’s important to note that Shiba Inus have a strong prey drive, so introductions and supervision are crucial. This concludes our list of dog breeds that get along with cats. Remember, every dog is an individual, and it’s important to consider each pet’s personality and temperament when introducing them to a new furry friend.
10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Cat-friendly Dog Breeds

When it comes to a harmonious pet household, finding a dog breed that gets along with cats is essential. Luckily, there are several cat-friendly dog breeds that can coexist peacefully with their feline counterparts. In this article, we will explore some of the best dog breeds that have a reputation for being friendly and compatible with cats.

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a cat breed known for its calm and laid-back nature, making it an ideal companion for cats. This breed is not only gentle and patient but also enjoys the company of other animals. With their easygoing personality, British Shorthairs can quickly adapt to living alongside dogs, forming stable and amicable relationships.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large and robust breed known for its sociable and friendly nature. These cats are highly adaptable and can easily get along with dogs, making them an excellent choice for households with both felines and canines. Their playful and curious nature also helps them establish a bond with dogs, fostering a harmonious living environment.


The Abyssinian is an active and energetic cat breed that enjoys socializing with other animals, including dogs. Their outgoing and friendly personality makes them a great choice for families looking for a cat breed that can coexist peacefully with their canine companions. Abyssinians are known for their adaptability and can quickly adjust to living in a multi-pet household.


The Ragdoll breed is famous for its affectionate and docile nature. These cats are known to be easygoing, making them a perfect match for households with dogs. Ragdolls are not only gentle but also enjoy the company of other animals, including dogs. With their placid temperament, they are more likely to befriend rather than intimidate their canine counterparts.

Siberian Cat

The Siberian Cat is not only a beautiful breed but also known for its friendly and sociable nature. These cats are highly adaptable and can easily get along with dogs, provided the introduction is done correctly. Siberians have a calm and stable temperament, making them an excellent choice for families seeking a cat breed that can coexist peacefully with dogs.


The Tonkinese cat breed is well-known for its playful and social personality. These cats are not only highly active but also enjoy interacting with other animals, including dogs. With their high intelligence and entertaining nature, Tonkinese cats can quickly form strong bonds with dogs, making them an ideal choice for households looking to create a harmonious pet environment.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is renowned for its dog-like personality, making it an excellent choice for families with both cats and dogs. Known for their friendly and sociable nature, Maine Coons can quickly adapt to living with dogs, forming close bonds and creating a peaceful coexistence. Their gentle and laid-back demeanor helps in establishing a positive relationship with their canine companions.

All in all, these cat-friendly dog breeds have a proven track record of getting along with cats, ensuring a harmonious and peaceful living environment for both pets and owners. Whether it’s the gentle and patient nature of the British Shorthair or the playful and sociable personality of the Tonkinese, these breeds can bring joy and companionship to any multi-pet household.

Frequently Asked Questions For 10 Best Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

What Dog Is Most Cat Friendly?

The most cat-friendly dog breeds include Poodle, Bichon Frise, Bulldog, Papillon, and Newfoundland.

What Is The Most Dog Friendly Cat Breed?

The Poodle, Bichon Frise, Bulldog, Papillon, and Newfoundland are considered the most dog-friendly cat breeds.

Are Most Dogs Ok With Cats?

Most dogs can live peacefully with cats if they are trained to respect them. Proper socialization, training cues like “leave it” and “stay,” and supervised introductions are key. It’s also important for the cat to have an escape route.

Do Certain Dog Breeds Get Along Better With Cats?

Certain dog breeds, such as retrievers and spaniels, are typically friendly with cats. Hounds, especially scent hounds, and toy dogs are also known to get along well with feline friends. Socializing dogs as puppies and providing proper training and introductions can help ensure a harmonious relationship.


Finding a dog breed that gets along with cats is crucial for a harmonious household. By considering factors such as temperament and socialization, you can choose a dog breed that will coexist peacefully with your feline friend. From the friendly Beagle to the loyal Golden Retriever, there are several breeds that have been known to have a positive relationship with cats.

Remember to introduce them properly and provide them with a safe environment. With careful consideration, you can create a loving bond between your dog and cat, making your home a happy place for all.

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