6 Tips So You Can Relax When You Travel Without Your Dog

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Written By Betty T.

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Traveling without your dog can be a stressful experience, but by following these six tips, you can relax and enjoy your journey worry-free.

1. Preparing Your Dog For Your Absence

When you’re about to embark on a trip without your furry four-legged companion, it’s essential to make sure your dog is prepared for your absence. By taking a few proactive steps, you can ensure that your pup feels safe and secure even when you’re not around. Here are some tips to help you create a comfortable environment and maintain a routine for your dog while you’re away.

1.1 Creating A Comfortable Space

Creating a comfortable space for your dog is crucial in helping them adjust to your absence. Provide a cozy and familiar area where your dog can retreat to during their alone time. This space should include their bed or a comfortable blanket, their favorite toys, and perhaps an item of clothing that smells like you. This way, your dog will feel a sense of security and familiarity in their environment.

If possible, consider using a dog crate or a room with limited access to ensure their safety and prevent any destructive behavior. Make sure the area is well-ventilated, with access to fresh water, and away from any potential hazards.

Additionally, if you’re leaving for an extended period, you might want to consider leaving a radio or TV playing softly in the background. The sounds will provide a sense of companionship and help drown out any unfamiliar noises that may cause your dog anxiety.

1.2 Maintaining A Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, so it’s crucial to maintain their daily schedule as much as possible, even when you’re not there. Stick to their regular feeding times and amounts, as well as their exercise and play routines. This consistency will help your dog feel more secure and less disrupted by your absence.

When it comes to exercise, consider arranging for someone to take your dog for walks or playdates with other dogs. Providing them with plenty of physical and mental stimulation will help prevent anxiety and boredom while you’re away.

Moreover, don’t skip out on training sessions. Continue to reinforce their commands and reward good behavior, ensuring that your dog stays in the habit of following instructions even in your absence. This will help maintain their sense of structure and discipline.

In conclusion, by creating a comfortable space and maintaining a routine for your dog, you can help them relax and adapt to your absence when you travel. Remember to make your preparations in advance and be sure to communicate your dog’s needs and routines to the responsible caregiver. By doing so, you can have peace of mind knowing that your best friend is well taken care of while you’re away.

2. Finding A Trusted Caregiver

When you travel without your beloved furry friend, finding a trusted caregiver is of utmost importance. You want someone who can provide your dog with the love, attention, and care they deserve while you are away. Here are two options worth considering:

2.1 Researching Boarding Facilities

If you prefer a traditional approach, boarding facilities can be a great option for your dog’s care. These establishments provide a safe and secure environment where your pup can be looked after by trained professionals. To ensure you find the perfect facility, follow these steps:

  1. First, research local boarding facilities in your area.
  2. Check online reviews and ratings to get an idea of other pet owners’ experiences.
  3. Visit the potential boarding facilities in person to assess their cleanliness, security measures, and overall environment.
  4. Ask about the daily routine and exercise schedule to ensure it aligns with your dog’s needs.
  5. Inquire about the qualifications and training of the staff members. Look for facilities with certified pet care providers.
  6. Ask if they offer additional services such as grooming or training.

By thoroughly researching boarding facilities, you can find a trustworthy place that will give your dog a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

2.2 Hiring A Professional Pet Sitter

If you prefer a more personalized approach, hiring a professional pet sitter can be a wonderful choice for your dog’s care. Here are a few steps to help you find the perfect pet sitter:

  1. Start by asking for recommendations from friends, neighbors, or your veterinarian.
  2. Interview potential pet sitters and ask about their experience, references, and training.
  3. Ensure that the pet sitter is bonded and insured to protect against any mishaps.
  4. Discuss your dog’s routine and specific needs to ensure the pet sitter can accommodate them.
  5. Arrange a trial period where the pet sitter can visit your home and spend time with your dog before your trip.
  6. Create a detailed checklist of feeding instructions, exercise routines, and emergency contacts for the pet sitter to follow.

With a professional pet sitter, your dog can receive individualized care in the comfort of their own home.

3. Providing Entertainment And Mental Stimulation

Traveling without your dog can be a great opportunity for relaxation and mental stimulation. Take the time to explore new entertainment options, engage in activities that challenge your mind, and fully embrace the freedom that comes with solo travel.

Traveling without your dog can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can ensure they stay entertained and mentally stimulated. Keeping your furry friend occupied during your absence is key to reducing their separation anxiety and helping them relax. Here are two effective ways to provide entertainment and mental stimulation for your dog while you’re away:

3.1 Interactive Toys And Puzzles

Interactive toys and puzzles can keep your dog engaged and mentally stimulated even when you’re not around. These toys offer a challenge that requires problem-solving skills, keeping their minds occupied and preventing boredom. When searching for interactive toys and puzzles, look for options that are durable, safe, and specifically designed for dogs. Some popular choices include treat-dispensing toys, puzzle balls, and interactive feeding stations. These toys provide both mental and physical stimulation, ensuring your dog stays happy and content while you’re away.

3.2 Music Or Tv For Background Noise

Music or TV can provide comforting background noise for your dog, making them feel less alone and anxious. Playing gentle music or turning on the television can create a familiar and soothing environment that mimics the sounds they are accustomed to when you’re at home. Certain genres of music, such as classical or instrumental, can have a calming effect on dogs. Additionally, you can find specialized dog relaxation channels or use streaming services that offer playlists specifically designed for dogs. The familiar sounds and rhythms can help distract your dog from feeling stressed and create a calming atmosphere.

In Conclusion

Providing entertainment and mental stimulation for your dog while you’re away can significantly contribute to their relaxation. Interactive toys and puzzles keep their minds active, while music or TV provides comforting background noise. Try incorporating these strategies into your dog’s routine when you travel, and you’ll give them the best chance to relax and enjoy their time apart from you.
6 Tips So You Can Relax When You Travel Without Your Dog

Credit: dogtime.com

4. Staying Connected With Your Dog

When you have to travel without your furry companion, it’s natural to feel a little anxious about leaving them behind. However, staying connected with your dog is easier than you might think. By following these simple tips, you can ease your worries and ensure that your dog feels loved and connected to you, even when you’re miles apart.

4.1 Video Calls And Virtual Check-ins

Thanks to modern technology, you can now see and talk to your dog no matter where you are in the world. Schedule video calls or virtual check-ins with a trusted caregiver or dog sitter to connect with your dog whenever you miss them. This will not only reassure you that your dog is okay but also allow you to see their adorable face and hear their familiar bark.

During the video call, have your caretaker show your dog their favorite toys or treats, so they feel a sense of comfort and familiarity. You can also chat with them using live chat features on video call apps, allowing you to give them virtual rubs and encouragement.

4.2 Leaving Your Scent Behind

Dogs have a strong sense of smell, and your scent can provide them with a feeling of security, even when you’re not physically present. Leave a piece of clothing or a blanket that carries your scent with your dog. This will help them feel your presence and reduce separation anxiety.

Before leaving, spend some time cuddling with your dog and ensure that your scent clings to the object you leave behind. You can also consider using special products like calming sprays or diffusers that mimic your scent to create a soothing atmosphere and promote relaxation.

Remember to inform your caretaker about the importance of keeping the item with your scent close to your dog and encourage them to use it during your video calls or virtual check-ins.


By staying connected with your dog, whether through video calls or leaving your scent behind, you can create a sense of closeness and comfort that will help both you and your furry friend relax when you travel without them. These small gestures go a long way in ensuring your dog feels loved and secure even in your absence.

5. Maintaining A Healthy Routine

Maintaining a healthy routine is crucial when you travel without your dog. Follow these 6 tips to relax and ensure your pet’s wellbeing while you are away.

Traveling without your dog can sometimes be stressful, but following a healthy routine can go a long way in ensuring their well-being and your peace of mind. When it comes to maintaining your dog’s health, two essential aspects to focus on are regular exercise and playtime, as well as ensuring a balanced diet. Let’s delve into these tips further for a worry-free trip.

5.1 Regular Exercise And Playtime

Regular exercise and playtime are crucial for keeping your dog physically and mentally stimulated, even when you’re not around. Taking your furry friend for a long walk or engaging in active play sessions before you leave can help burn off excess energy and reduce separation anxiety. Additionally, physical activity promotes a healthy weight, improves muscle tone, and strengthens their immune system. Consider these tips for incorporating exercise and playtime into your dog’s routine:
  • Take your dog for walks at least twice a day, ensuring they have ample time to explore their surroundings and sniff new scents.
  • Engage in interactive games, such as fetch or tug-of-war, which encourage bonding and mental stimulation.
  • Provide your pup with puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that challenge their problem-solving skills.
Remember, regardless of the duration of your trip, ensuring your dog receives adequate exercise and playtime is imperative to their overall well-being.

5.2 Ensuring A Balanced Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for your dog’s health, even when you’re away. To ensure they receive the necessary nutrients while you’re on the go, consider the following tips:
  1. Prepare pre-portioned meals beforehand and label them accordingly. This way, whoever is taking care of your dog can easily follow their regular feeding routine.
  2. Include a mix of high-quality dry and wet food in their diet to provide a variety of textures and flavors.
  3. Avoid giving excessive treats or table scraps, as they can upset your dog’s digestive system or lead to unwanted weight gain.
  4. Provide access to fresh water at all times to keep your dog hydrated.
Remember to inform your pet sitter or boarding facility about any specific dietary requirements or allergies your dog may have, so they can provide appropriate meals. A balanced diet will not only keep your dog healthy but also contribute to their overall happiness during your time away. By incorporating regular exercise and playtime into your dog’s routine and ensuring a balanced diet, you can relax and enjoy your trip, knowing your furry companion is in good hands.
6 Tips So You Can Relax When You Travel Without Your Dog

Credit: www.dogtagart.com

6. Returning Home And Reconnecting

When you return home after a trip, it’s important to give your dog time to adjust and reestablish the bond you share. This period of transitioning is crucial to ensure a seamless reconnection between you and your furry friend. In this section, we will explore tips on giving your dog time to adjust and reestablishing your bond, making the homecoming a joyful and stress-free experience for both of you.

6.1 Giving Your Dog Time To Adjust

Returning from a trip can be overwhelming for your dog, so it’s vital to allow them the space and time they need to adjust to their routine once again. Here are a few key ways you can facilitate this adjustment process:

Tip 1: Gradually reintroduce your dog to their surroundings.
Tip 2: Stick to their existing feeding and walking schedule.
Tip 3: Provide a quiet and comfortable space for them to rest.

6.2 Reestablishing Your Bond

Reconnecting with your dog after being away is an important aspect of post-travel adjustment. Here are some effective ways to reestablish your bond and strengthen your relationship:

  1. Spend quality time together: Engage in activities your dog enjoys, such as playing fetch or going for long walks.
  2. Offer gentle affection: Show your love through gentle petting and cuddles, reaffirming your bond.
  3. Training and obedience: Reinforce training commands to remind your dog of their behavioral expectations.
  • Engage in interactive play: Use puzzle toys or interactive games to stimulate their mind and build a connection.
  • Practice positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats and praise, reinforcing a positive bond.
  • Establish a daily routine: Consistency and structure aid in building trust and a sense of security for your furry companion.
Remember, patience is key during this adjustment period. By implementing these tips, you can help your dog feel secure and loved, fostering a stronger bond that will withstand future travels.
6 Tips So You Can Relax When You Travel Without Your Dog

Credit: www.chewy.com

Frequently Asked Questions Of 6 Tips So You Can Relax When You Travel Without Your Dog

What To Do When You Go On Vacation Without Your Dog?

Plan ahead and find a trusted caregiver or boarding facility for your dog while you’re on vacation. Make sure they’re experienced and provide a safe and comfortable environment for your furry friend. Prepare all necessary documentation, supplies, and instructions for their care.

Will My Dog Be Ok If I Leave Him For A Week?

Yes, your dog will be okay if left alone for a week as long as you plan ahead. Provide enough food, water, and a safe environment. Consider hiring a pet sitter or board your dog. Make sure to leave toys and leave your scent for comfort.

How Can I Travel Without A Dog?

To travel without a dog, you can consider leaving them with a trusted friend, family member, or a reliable dog boarding facility. Make sure to plan ahead and find a suitable and comfortable place for your dog to stay while you are away.

Can I Leave My Dog For 2 Weeks?

Yes, you can leave your dog for 2 weeks, but it is essential to make appropriate arrangements. Find a trusted caretaker or boarding facility to ensure your dog’s needs for food, water, exercise, and companionship are met. Leave clear instructions and contact information for emergencies.


By following these tips, you can relax when you travel without your dog. Remember to plan ahead and choose suitable accommodations that allow pets. Utilize technology to stay connected and check on your furry friend. Consider leaving your dog with a trusted caregiver or in a reputable boarding facility.

Keep their routine as familiar as possible, and always prioritize their safety and well-being. With these guidelines in mind, you can enjoy your trip knowing your dog is in good hands. Safe travels!

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