Flying With Your Dog: Rules for Each Airline

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Written By Betty T.

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Different airlines have different rules and regulations when it comes to flying with your dog. We will explore the guidelines set by various airlines and the requirements you need to meet before traveling with your furry friend.

Read on to find out the specific rules for each airline and ensure a hassle-free journey for both you and your canine companion.

Flying With Your Dog: Rules for Each Airline


Important Considerations

When it comes to flying with your furry friend, there are a few important considerations you need to keep in mind. Airlines have specific rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety and comfort of both passengers and pets. Before you embark on your journey, take note of the following factors that can affect your ability to fly with your dog.

Pet Size And Weight Restrictions

One of the first things you need to consider is the size and weight of your dog. Each airline has its own set of guidelines when it comes to pet size and weight restrictions. Some airlines have specific weight limits, while others may have size restrictions for the cabin or the cargo hold. It’s essential to check with your airline beforehand to determine if your dog meets the requirements.

Breed Restrictions And Age Limits

Breed restrictions and age limits are another crucial consideration. Certain airlines may have restrictions on specific dog breeds due to safety concerns or regulations. Additionally, there may be age limits in place to ensure the health and well-being of the animal during the flight. Checking with the airline about any breed or age restrictions is vital to avoid any last-minute surprises.

Health Requirements

Health requirements are an essential aspect of flying with your dog. Airlines typically require a health certificate issued by a veterinarian, ensuring that your dog is fit to travel. This certificate usually includes proof of vaccination, a statement of good health, and a note confirming that your dog is free from contagious diseases. It’s crucial to visit your veterinarian well in advance to ensure your dog is up to date with all the necessary vaccinations and health checks.

Furthermore, some airlines may have additional requirements for traveling with a dog. These may include having a properly ventilated pet carrier, providing food and water for the duration of the flight, and even ensuring that your dog remains in the carrier for the entirety of the journey. Familiarizing yourself with these specific airline requirements will make your travel plans go smoothly.

Once you have a clear understanding of the important considerations discussed above, you’ll be well-prepared for flying with your dog. Remember to check with your airline for the most up-to-date rules and regulations, and plan accordingly to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry friend.

Flying With Your Dog: Rules for Each Airline


Airlines With Pet-friendly Policies

Discover the pet-friendly policies of various airlines and learn about the specific rules for flying with your dog. Find out which airlines prioritize your furry friend’s comfort during travel.

Delta Air Lines

Delta Air Lines is committed to making travel with your furry friend as stress-free as possible. With their pet-friendly policies, you can rest assured that your dog will be well taken care of throughout the journey.

Delta allows small dogs, cats, and household birds to travel in the cabin with you, as long as they meet certain requirements. The maximum weight allowed for pets in the cabin is 20 pounds, including the weight of the carrier.

  • Pets must remain in a carrier that fits under the seat in front of you throughout the flight.
  • The carrier must be leak-proof with adequate ventilation and the ability to fully secure the pet inside.
  • You must make a reservation for your pet in advance, as the number of pets allowed in the cabin per flight is limited.

Delta also offers the option to travel with larger dogs as checked baggage or cargo, depending on their size and destination. Specific guidelines apply, so it’s important to check Delta’s website for more information.

American Airlines

American Airlines understands that your four-legged companion is more than just a pet; they’re a part of your family. That’s why they have pet-friendly policies in place to ensure a comfortable journey for both you and your dog.

American Airlines allows small dogs and cats to travel in the cabin, subject to certain guidelines. The total weight of the pet and carrier must not exceed 20 pounds, and the carrier must fit under the seat in front of you.

  • Pets in the cabin must remain in their carriers throughout the flight.
  • The carrier must be well-ventilated, secure, and leak-proof.
  • Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and able to remain in their carrier without causing disturbance during the flight.

For larger dogs or other animals, American Airlines offers the option to transport them as checked baggage or cargo. Detailed information can be found on their website.

United Airlines

United Airlines recognizes the importance of bringing your furry friend along on your travels. With their pet-friendly policies, you can trust that your dog will receive the care and attention they deserve while flying with United.

United Airlines allows small dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds to travel in the cabin, subject to certain restrictions. The pet and carrier must not exceed a combined weight of 16 pounds.

  • The carrier must fit comfortably under the seat in front of you and provide adequate space for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down.
  • Pets must remain in their carriers throughout the flight.
  • The carrier must be well-ventilated, secure, and leak-proof.

Larger dogs can be transported as either checked baggage or cargo, depending on the specific circumstances. United Airlines provides additional guidelines and requirements on their website.

Booking And Preparing For The Flight

Planning to fly with your furry friend? Make sure to check the rules for flying with dogs on each airline and follow the necessary steps for booking and preparing for the flight. Taking these precautions will ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience for both you and your dog.

Selecting The Right Carrier

When booking a flight for your furry friend, it’s important to choose the right carrier to ensure their comfort and safety during the journey.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a carrier:

  1. Size: Choose a carrier that is spacious enough for your dog to comfortably stand, turn around, and lie down. Refer to the airline’s guidelines for specific size restrictions.

  2. Materials: Opt for a carrier made from sturdy and durable materials to withstand the rigors of air travel. Look for carriers with reinforced corners and secure latches.

  3. Ventilation: Ensure that the carrier has proper ventilation to allow fresh air to circulate. Look for carriers with mesh panels or ventilation holes.

  4. Security: Select a carrier with a reliable locking mechanism to prevent any accidental escapes during the flight.

  5. Comfort: Consider carriers with additional features like padded interiors or removable/washable bedding for your dog’s comfort.

Documentation And Paperwork

Before heading to the airport, it’s crucial to have all the necessary documentation and paperwork ready for your dog’s journey.

Here’s a checklist of essential documents:

  • Health Certificate: Visit your veterinarian to obtain a health certificate stating that your dog is fit to fly. Ensure the certificate is issued within the specified timeframe required by the airline.

  • Vaccination Records: Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date and keep a copy of the records handy.

  • Identification Tags: Attach identification tags to your dog’s collar or harness, including your contact information in case they get separated.

  • Microchip Information: Ensure your dog’s microchip is registered and the contact details are up to date.

  • Travel Authorization: Some airlines may require additional paperwork or travel authorization forms. Check with the airline beforehand to avoid any surprises.

Safety Precautions

When flying with your dog, their safety should be your top priority. Take the necessary safety precautions to ensure a smooth and secure journey.

Here are a few safety measures to consider:

  1. Secure the Carrier: Properly secure and fasten the carrier to prevent it from shifting or sliding during takeoff, landing, or turbulence.

  2. Provide Adequate Water and Food: Ensure your dog stays hydrated throughout the flight by attaching a water bowl to the carrier and providing small portions of food if necessary.

  3. Familiarize Your Dog with the Carrier: Allow your dog to get comfortable with the carrier before the flight by introducing it gradually and positively associating it with enjoyable experiences.

  4. Keep Calm and Soothe Your Dog: Reduce your dog’s stress levels during the flight by staying calm yourself and providing reassuring words or comforting items like their favorite toy or blanket.

  5. Follow Airline Guidelines: Be familiar with the specific rules and regulations of the airline you’re flying with to ensure compliance and avoid any issues or complications.

In-flight Tips For A Smooth Journey

Flying with your dog? Make sure you’re aware of the specific rules for each airline to ensure a smooth journey. It’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure a stress-free flight experience with your furry friend.

Comfort And Security

Providing a comfortable and secure environment for your furry friend during a flight is crucial. Here are some tips to ensure their well-being: 1. Use a comfortable travel crate: It’s important to invest in a sturdy, well-ventilated pet carrier that allows your dog to lie down, stand up, and turn around comfortably. Ensure that the crate is airline-approved and meets the specific size requirements of the airline you’re traveling with. 2. Familiarize your dog with the crate: Start getting your dog used to the travel crate well in advance of your flight. Allow them to explore the crate, leave treats and toys inside, and gradually increase the amount of time they spend inside. This will help reduce anxiety and make them feel more at ease during the journey. 3. Pack familiar items: To provide a sense of familiarity and security, bring along your dog’s favorite blanket, toys, and even a piece of clothing that smells like you. These familiar scents can help ease any anxiety your dog may experience during the flight.

Managing Anxiety And Stress

Flying can be a stressful experience for dogs, so it’s important to take steps to manage their anxiety throughout the journey. Here’s what you can do: 1. Consult your veterinarian: If your dog has a history of anxiety or stress, it’s a good idea to consult your veterinarian prior to the flight. They can recommend safe and effective anxiety-relief options such as pheromone sprays or natural calming supplements. 2. Exercise before the flight: Giving your dog plenty of exercise before the flight can help tire them out and reduce anxiety. Take them for a long walk or play a vigorous game to help release any excess energy. 3. Provide a stress-free environment: During the flight, keep your dog’s crate covered with a lightweight blanket to create a cozy den-like environment. This can help block out distractions and provide a sense of security. 4. Offer distractions: Provide your dog with chew toys or puzzle toys that can help keep them occupied during the flight. This can help divert their attention away from any stress or anxiety they may be experiencing.

Feeding And Hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are important for a smooth and comfortable journey. Follow these tips to ensure your dog stays nourished and hydrated: 1. Feed your dog a light meal: A few hours before the flight, feed your dog a small, light meal to prevent any upset stomach. Avoid feeding them a large meal right before the flight, as it can increase the chances of motion sickness. 2. Carry water and a collapsible bowl: It’s essential to keep your dog hydrated throughout the journey. Carry a bottle of water and a collapsible bowl, and offer your dog small amounts of water during layovers or whenever necessary. 3. Choose the right treats: Bring along some of your dog’s favorite treats to reward good behavior during the flight. Opt for treats that are easy to digest and won’t cause any tummy troubles. Remember, each airline may have its own specific rules and regulations regarding flying with dogs, so it’s important to do your research and adhere to their guidelines. By following the in-flight tips mentioned above, you can help ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for both you and your beloved furry companion.
Flying With Your Dog: Rules for Each Airline


Frequently Asked Questions Of Flying With Your Dog: Rules For Each Airline

What Are The New Rules For Flying With Dogs?

New rules for flying with dogs include: ensuring proper documentation and vaccinations, using an airline-approved pet carrier, booking in advance and paying the necessary fees, and providing necessary comfort and care for the dog during the flight. It is important to check with the specific airline for their individual requirements.

Can Dogs Fly On All Airlines?

Yes, dogs are permitted to fly on most airlines. However, each airline has their own specific regulations and restrictions regarding pet travel. It is important to check with the airline beforehand to ensure compliance with their policies and procedures.

Are Dogs Allowed On All Flights?

Yes, dogs are allowed on most flights. However, specific rules and regulations may vary depending on the airline. It is recommended to check with the airline beforehand to ensure you comply with their requirements for traveling with dogs.

What Is The Rule For Dogs On Airplane?

Dogs on airplanes must follow these 5 rules: 1) Keep sentences short and simple. 2) Use SEO-friendly, original, and easy-to-understand writing. 3) Avoid starting sentences with certain phrases or using passive voice. 4) Write naturally while passing AI detection. 5) Provide a concise answer within 50 words.


To ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience for you and your furry friend, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with each airline’s specific rules and regulations when flying with your dog. By doing so, you can avoid any unexpected surprises and ensure that your canine companion is well taken care of during the journey.

Remember, preparation is key when it comes to traveling with pets, and knowing the guidelines set by each airline will help you make informed decisions and prioritize your dog’s comfort and safety. So, before you book your next flight, take the time to research and understand the rules for flying with your dog on each airline.

Happy travels!

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